Library: Courses & Trainings
Below is the library of Ken’s current teachings. This is a valuable resource and is offered free for everyone to access – it is one of Ken’s ways of engaging in the great commission to bring the gospel of grace to all nations.
Please check the Store for any accompanying booklets to use as workbooks as you follow the course.
The most important part of a building is the part you cannot see “the foundations”.
Although foundations are invisible to the naked eye, their strength is revealed in a time of storm.
It’s like that in the Christian life. We may have to weather storms from time to time, but if we build on rock solid foundations our house will stand.
That’s what Jesus promised. And that’s why He appointed apostles in the church. Their main function was to lay firm foundations upon which Christians and local churches could be established.
These foundations are called the apostle’s doctrine. The pattern of the sound words of the apostles help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and the finished work of the cross.
Accompanying Study Book available here.
A twelve-part series in the first eight chapters of the epistle to the Romans.
These chapters are probably the most important passages in the whole of the Bible. Nowhere else is the gospel and the Christian life taught so comprehensively and systematically.
The book of Romans has been used by God to significantly change the lives of countless people.
- The Gospel of God
- The Wrath of God is Revealed
- The Righteousness of God
- Justified Freely by His Grace
- Faith That Gives Glory to God
- The End of Fear-Based Christianity
- Your Position Determines Your Condition
- Grace Reigns
- Set Free From Sin to Serve Righteousness
- Don’t Go Back Under The Law
- Led By The Spirit
- Nothing Shall Separate Us From the Love of Christ
An eight-part series on the real ministry of an apostle, based on the letter to the Galatians.
Apostles lay foundations for local churches and the lives of God’s people.
Foundations are the most important part of a building – yet they are the part you cannot see. However, when a storm hits a building, you’ll soon know what kind of foundation it is built upon.
Don’t wait until the storm hits your house. Make sure you are built on rock solid apostolic foundations.
God is a God of covenant. He relates to us on the basis of covenant. A covenant is an arrangement placed between two parties for the purpose of establishing a relationship between them.
So, what has God placed between Himself and us as the basis of our relationship with Him? On what grounds are we to be accepted and blessed by God?
Many Christians are still trying to relate to God on the basis of a covenant that no longer exists! Consequently, they struggle in their daily lives and are victims to condemnation. The Hebrews were like this.
In this series, based on the Epistle to the Hebrews, you will learn how to make the transition from the old covenant to the new covenant.
Renewing the Mind | Transforming the Heart
Whilst it is true that we become a new creation through the new birth, if we do not renew our minds in accordance with our position in Christ we will continue to struggle with the same old problems.
Regeneration is God’s work | Renewing the mind is our work.The Identity Driven Life Program is a new-creation-focused approach to recovery.
Have you ever wondered if you put your trust in Jesus, whether you could lose your salvation from your actions?
In this series Ken puts the case forward that indeed this is impossible.
Ken clearly shows that the scriptures proclaim the old adage “once saved, always saved.”
When God called Abraham, He promised to bless him and his seed.Paul tells us that we are blessed with believing Abraham and he speaks about the blessing of Abraham coming upon the Gentiles who are in Christ. That’s us!
After creation, the first act of God towards man was to bless him. This has always been God’s heart towards us. The word “bless” means to empower to prosper in all areas spiritual, physical, social/relational, material, emotional – wholeness in every part.
We are blessed because we are righteous, not on the basis of our behaviour. The life of Abraham demonstrates this.
Learn how to set your heart to receive the blessing of Abraham which is your inheritance.
Studying the Book of Acts helps us to understand that what Jesus began to do is what He is now doing through His church.
The Book of Acts helps us to see how the early church turned their world upside down as an example for us to do the same.
And, more than ever, we see how the Gospel of Grace has spread throughout the world.
- The Kingdom of God and the Spirit of God
- The Church in the Beginning
- Satan’s First Counter Attack
- Satan’s Second Counter Attack
- Satan’s Third Counter Attack
- Stephen – A Seed that Produced a Great Harvest
- Philip – The Evangelist
- Paul – A Trophy of Grace
- Peter – Opens the Door to the Gentiles
- The Word of God Grows and Multiplies
- The Spirit of Missions
- It’s Official – Salvation by Grace Alone
- The Winds of Change
- God Encourages the Discouraged
- Ministry at Ephesus
- It is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive
- Sailing into the Storm
- The Lord Stood by Paul
- It’s Testimony Time
- The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
A 12-part series on the epistle to the Ephesians.
The theme of this wonderful book is our riches in Christ.
When you were born again you were born rich. God your Father is rich, and you and I are heirs of God. Do you know it?
Are you living from the riches of God’s grace?
This exciting series unfolds the truth of our position in Christ and its relevance to our daily lives.
Who Can Counsel?
This helps you answer the questions: What are the real qualifications and skills needed for effective Christian counselling?
How do I know when either I am out of my depth, or it is inappropriate for me to be counselling in a particular situation? (Referrals)
The Counselling Process.
A basic template for every counselling situation you will be in.
Spiritual Foundations. Learn what distinguishes Christian counselling from secular counselling and why it is crucial to keep them apart.
Also, avoid the trap of change via behaviour modification (legalism) by learning the basics of grace-based counselling.
Counselling God’s Way will help you to be prepared, empowered and confident in your ministry of pastoral care.
The Christian Counsellor’s Companion [Ready Reckoner] is available in the Shop.
- My Brother’s Keeper
- Counselling – Which Way
- Christ Dependency
- Identity-driven Counselling
- Deficient or Sufficient
- The Counselling Process
- General Principles
- Communication & Conflict Resolution
- Negative Emotions
- Renewing the Mind
- The Downward Spiral of Depression
- Freedom from Anger
- Winning Over Worry
- Fear and Phobias
- Stressed or Blessed
- Addiction
- Sexual Abuse
- Rejecting Rejection
- Toxic Relationships
- Helping Others Find God’s Will
The kingdom of God is a major theme of the Old Testament prophets.
In the New Testament it is also mentioned 160 times. It is mentioned more than ‘grace’.
But what is the kingdom? Two kingdoms now exist on earth side by side.
Both are increasing in influence and both will experience a climactic conclusion.
We are heirs of the kingdom of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
Being kingdom-minded gives great perspective and meaning to our time on earth.
Do you have a strategy for making disciples?
For those who already have their hearts established in Grace, this is a great way to share the TRUE gospel with others in a group environment.
Grace-based discipleship has a specific goal, which can best be summed up in the words of Hebrews 13:9 – “It is good that the heart be established by grace”.
Grace is what makes Christianity unique.
Whilst works are what we attempt to do for God, grace is His work in us. Works confine us to the limited resources of the flesh. Grace brings us into the realm of divine ability.
If we fail to make the grace connection we end up turning Christianity into just another religion, i.e. another works trip.